
College Sports

To develop the students physically as well as mentally, sports and games are very much essential. A student has a lot to deal with in terms of assignments, practical, exams, internships, workshops, lectures, and much more, which is essential to ensure their optimum academic development. From these hectic schedules sports and games give mental relaxation to the students. Furthermore, sports develop students into well-balanced individuals. The Sports Sub-committee is very much active in our college. They encourage the students to participate in the numerous sporting activities.

Importance of Sports and Game Events

  1. Playing outdoor sports on a regular basis will boost the stamina of students which allows individuals to perform different tasks without getting tired for a longer period.
  2. Since most of the sports involve teams, students learn to work as a team and support each other and thus can develop team spirit.
  3. Playing sports regularly allow students to discover their inner-self and gain leadership qualities.
  4. Ensure physical and mental health
  5. Potential career options
  6. Building interpersonal skills

Vision of Games & Sports Sub-committee:

  1. The Sports Committee is to promote every individuals health and fitness, physical well-being as well as the acquisition of physical skills among the students.
  2. The committee aspires to inculcate qualities such as sportsmanship, team spirit and bonding and to bring out talented sports persons.
  3. It is designed to serve the interests of the student community in competitive sports and other recreational activities i.e. both indoor and outdoor.
  4. To enhance quality and standard of sports performance.

College Play Ground

Cricket Football Carrom
Javelin Throw Discus Throw Short Put
High Jump Long Jump Slow Cycle Race

Apex body of Games & Sports Sub-committee (2023-2024)

  1. Chairman: Dr. Sibsankar Pal
  2. Convener(s): Saidul Haque, Ajoy Mandal
  3. Members: Haridas Biswas, Susmita Chowdhury, Gopal Mondal, Pritin Dutta, Supratim Mukherjee, Jyotirmnoy Maiti, Priya Tudu, Sk. Basiruddin, Gouranga Mondal

Annual Sports

Annual Sports 2020

Annual Sports 2022

Annual Sports 2023

Annual Sports 2024

Football Tournament