Grievance Redressal Cell

Grievance Redressal Cell


A grievance redressal system is a process which enables students to communicate their grievances to the college authority. The grievance may be between a student to student or either between student and teaching and non-teaching staffs. Hence a Grievance Redressal Cell has been formed to look after the interest of students. Complainant can sent complaints and suggestions to the college either by post or email. A complaint box has also been installed at the college main building. After receiving any grievance the Grievance Redressal Cell helps in resolving the received grievances in a formal manner. The college seeks not to disclose the identities of the concerned parties except necessary circumstances.

Aims & Objectives

The Grievance Redressal Cell of our college plays a crucial role in maintaining cordial and unbiased ambience in the college premises. The objectives of this cell are to provide a platform for students to express their grievances and concerns, ensuring a fair and transparent mechanism for redressal.

Grievance Redressal Policy

Government general Degree College, Tehatta, has two sub-committees which deal with the grievances of the students, teaching and non-teaching staffs. These are the Grievance Redressal Cell and Internal Complaints Committee (ICC). The committees have the following roles:

  1. The committees are constituted to prevent any form of mental and physical harassment of the students or members associated with the college. The committee also plays a pivotal role in spreading awareness about mal practices like anti-ragging.
  2. The ICC committee specially adheres to the complaints of the female students and staffs. The college shows zero tolerance towards any activity of sexual harassment.
  3. A grievance form is provided in the website for students who want to register their complaints. Such complaints are discussed in meetings where senior faculty members of the college, the aggrieved students and the members of the committee come together to find the best possible solution.
  4. Special attention is given to students who belong to the minority classes (SC, ST, OBC, EWS). The committee sees to it that a communal and social harmony prevails in the college. The students are regularly informed about the scholarships so that financial problems or family pressures do not create hurdles in their path of education.
  5. All in all, the two committees as well the college administration aims to create a healthy and student friendly environment in the college.


  1. Receive and register grievances from students
  2. Investigate and address grievances in a timely and confidential manner
  3. Facilitate communication between students, teachers, and non-teaching staff
  4. Suggest measures to prevent recurrence of grievances

Present Committee Members (Academic Year 2024-25)

Composition Name & Designation Contact
Chairman Dr. Sibsankar Pal
Mobile: 8926666554
Joint Conveners Dr. Swarup Ranjan Sahoo
Associate Professor (Physics)
Mobile: 9432304713
Dr. Ramij Raja Mondal
Assistant Professor (Chemistry)
Mobile: 9875383350
Members Priya Tudu
Assistant Professor (Philosophy)
Mobile: 7602823606
Gouranga Mondal
Mobile: 7501068691


Date Program Title Organized by No. of Participants Program Details
Grievance Application Form