Department of Philosophy
Department of Philosophy
Departmental Overview
‘’The unexamined life is not worth living’’ - Socrates
Philosophy is a thorough intellectual process as well as a critical inquiry activity. It entails assessing and testing claims, exposing presumptions, and looking into philosophical systems. As a reasoned investigation, philosophy broadens our intellectual boundaries, improves our comprehension, and sharpens our thinking. The Philosophy Department of Government General Degree College, Tehatta offers Courses in Philosophy designed to introduce students to this kind of philosophical knowledge.
Following the college's establishment in the year 2014, Department of Philosophy has been started in the 2015–2016 academic year, initially with very few students and one faculty member Sri Malay Das, the department's first faculty member, assumed the role of head of the department. After his(Shri Malay Das’s) transfer, Since 4th December 2015 Dr.Liza Dutta has been serving the Department as the Head of the Department .Afterwards, Md. Najir Hossain and Smt. Priya Tudu joined the Department.
Faculty offer their pupils close mentoring in a range of contexts and outside of the classroom. They follow the standard procedure for conducting classes. Throughout instruction, they ensure that each student has a thorough understanding of the material. In addition to traditional classroom instruction, students are increasingly receiving instruction via a variety of online learning platforms, such as Zoom and Google Meet. During the Covid era, when all classes were offered online, the utilization of these online platforms peaked. Instructors often push for student involvement in inter- and intra-college discussions and seminars. The department has developed a reputation for fostering excellence in students' academic achievement both within and throughout the university over the years. Numerous of our pupils have already achieved noteworthy rankings in final B.A.exams.
With a capacity of 15 (ten) seats for honors and 20 (sixty) seats for regular courses, the department initially offered both general and honors courses. The student intake capacity will thereafter be raised to 20 (twenty) seats for honors and 30 (sixty) seats for ordinary courses starting in the 2023–2024 academic year.The Department has provided a new syllabus that the University of Kalyani has prescribed under the National Education Policy, 2020 (NEP 2020) for the 2023–2024 academic session, following the UGC guidelines and the University of Kalyani's directives. The department's Central Library contains a vast array of highly well-known and significant text and reference volumes, and its Seminar library offers a wealth of reading materials in both Bengali and English.
Besides being attentive towards studies the students of the Department of Philosophy are very well known as to participate in all kinds of extra-curricular activities in the college whether it is dance or singing or reciting or playing drama or drawing. They also made our Departmental wall Magazine ‘Uttarana’ with their immense effort.
Course Details
Programme Offered
- Programmes under CBCS (3 years)
B.A. Honours in Philosophy - Programmes under NEP-2020 (4 years)
B.A. Major in Philosophy
Intake Capacity
Session | UR | Gen-EWS | SC | ST | OBC-A | OBC-B | PWD | Total |
From 2023-24 | 18 | 4 | 9 | 2 | 4 | 3 | 1* | 40 |
2015-16 to 2022-23 | 12+1 | 5 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 25 |
(UR: Unreserved, Gen-EWS: General-Economically Weaker Sections, SC: Scheduled Castes, ST: Scheduled Tribes, OBC-A: Other Backward Classes-A, OBC-B: Other Backward Classes-B, PWD: Person with Disabilities)
Subject Combination
Major Subject | Minor Subject (Any Two) | Multidisciplinary Studies |
Philosophy | Bengali, English, History, Political Science |
Academic Resources
Class Routine
Study Materials
Sl.No. | Title | Semester | Download |
1 td > | শ্রী অরবিন্দ | 1st Semester | Download |
2 td > | মন ও দেহ | 1st Semester | Download |
3 td > | নৈতিকতা ও নারীবাদ দার্শনিক প্রেক্ষিতের নানা মাত্রা শেফালী মৈত্র | 1st Semester | Download |
4 td > | কারণতা সূত্র | 1st Semester | Download |
5 td > | অবভাসবাদ 2 | 1st Semester | Download |
6 td > | অবভাসবাদ 1 | 1st Semester | Download |
7 td > | অধিবিদ্যক তত্ত্ব | 1st Semester | Download |
8 td > | Charbak | 1st Semester | Download |
9 td > | bharatiya dharmaniti book | 1st Semester | Download |
Former Faculty
Sl.No | Name of the Teacher | Designation & Qualification | Period | Contact Details | View Profile |
1 | Malay Das | Assistant Professor, M.A. | 11.06.2015- 16.12.2015 | | View |
Departmental Notice
Sl.No. | Date | Title | Download |
Sl.No | Academic Session | Name of the Student | Marks % |
1 | 2017-18 | Manasi Mondal | 74.37% |
2 | 2018-19 | Bidisha Mondal | 78.38% |
3 | 2019-20 | Puja Das | 79.46% |
4 | 2020-21 | Puja Pal | 77.41% |
Name of the Student got placement
Rubel Shaikh | 2018-19(Academic session) | Service- BSF(CONSTABLE GD) |
Photo Gallery

Department of Philosophy
Contact Us
Address | Staff Room, Ground Floor, Government General Degree College, Tehatta |
Mail ID | |
Mobile | 03471 250100 (college landline number) |