Department of Political Science

Department of Political Science

Departmental Overview

“I realize what the Hindu religion meant. We speak often of the Hindu religion, of the Sanātana Dharma, but few of us really know what that religion is. Other religions are preponderatingly religions of faith and profession, but the Sanātana Dharma is life itself; it is a thing that has not so much to be believed as lived.”

---Aurobindo Ghosh (Uttarpara Speech from Sri Aurobindo – A Reader, Markrand Paranjape, Ed. p.21)

“Rich men always under-estimate the power of property to secure happiness, religious men always over-estimate the influence of faith upon morals, learned men usually attach undue importance to the relation of scholarship to wisdom. We are the prisoners of our experience,...”

---Harold J. Laski (An Intoduction to Politics, p.15)

The Department of Political Science of Tehatta Government College began its journey just after the establishment of the college in the academic session of 2015-2016 with a contingent of single teaching post and 10 students for the very first batch. Department’s first faculty Sri Pritin Dutta took the chair of the Head of the Department. Later Sri Abhijit Saha joined the department. The department started with offering both the General and Honours courses with the intake capacity of 10 (Ten) seats for Honours and 20 (Twenty) seats for general courses. Later from session 2023-24 the intake capacity of students is increased to 20 (Twenty) seats for Honours and 30 (Thirty) seats for general courses.

After receiving the UGC guidelines and the directives from the University of Kalyani , the Department has offered a new syllabus prescribed by the University of Kalyani, under the National Education policy, 2020 (NEP 2020) from 2023-24 academic session. The department has a collection of a wide range of very popular and important text and reference books in Central Library and many reading materials both in English and Bengali in the Seminar library also.

Teachers provide intensive mentoring to the students both in and beyond the classroom in a wide variety of forums. They conduct classes according to the regular routine. While teaching they make sure that every student understands the class properly. Besides, conventional mode of teaching learning, students are also being taught through various available E-Learning facilities i.e. Google Meet, Zoom etc. The use of these online mediums was at peak during Covid time when all classes were conducted online through these methods. Teachers also encourage students participation in intra and inter college seminars and debates. Over the years the department has achieved a reputation for gaining excellence in students’ academic performance across college and the University. Many of our students have already secured notable ranks in the university at the Undergraduate level. The overall performance of this Department has been consistently of a high standard.

Message from the Head of the Department

Political Science is one of the sub-disciplines of social science. It is an old discipline too. The subject matter of the discipline political institutions, political organisations, political structures and cultures of different nations, power, legislations, political behaviour and the governing system at the national and the international level. As an integral part of the social science the discipline is closely associated with the other sub-disciplines of social science. Besides, Political Scinece, the mother discipline consists of several other relevant courses like political thought(Western & Indian), political theory, public administration, development administration, public policy, political economy (Western & Indian), international relations, etc. Scholars of different other fields also take much interest in the core ideas and concepts of the subject. Nowadays it can be considered one of the popular disciplines of social science. It has become a demanding subject too among the students and scholars as well because of its wider scope and probabilities. It is considered as a beneficial subject since the subiect offers wider job/career scope and options. For instance, a student who is a graduate in Political Science can opt profession in the field of teaching, academic, journalism, public administration, international relations, policy specialist, human relation specialist, law, politics, research, civil service and budget analysis etc. The discipline offers internship course opportunities as well.

There is a very cordial relationship between the teacher and the students in our department. The students are very sincere, obedient, cooperative and very active too in different fields including the academic field. Even after passing out from the college they are doing well in their career too. Many students are employed in the government sector and in the prestigious private companies as well. Besides teaching the teachers also try to make the students confident to voice their concern, make their own opinion and cultivate the analytical thinking too amongst them. The objective is to make them prepared and well presented for future and to make them a responsible citizen of the country by inculcating the values too. Furthermore the teacher also tries to develop a friendly relation with the students to help them out to resolve their problem both in the academic as well as the private domain. This helps to create a good bond between the teacher and the students. The department will continue to do the needful in order to serve the interest of the students and the institution at large as well.

List of Former Faculties:-

Sl. No Name Designation Period
1 Pritin Dutta Assistant Professor 18.11.2015 – 04.10.2023
2 Abhijit Saha Assistant Professor 24.11.2015 – 05.04.2023

Course Details

Programme Offered

  1. Programmes under CBCS (3 years)
    B.A. Honours in Political science
  2. Programmes under NEP-2020 (4 years)
    B.A. Major in Political science

Intake Capacity

Session UR Gen-EWS SC ST OBC-A OBC-B PWD Total
From 2023-24 18 4 9 2 4 3 1* 40
2015-16 to 2022-23 12+1 5 2 2 2 1 25

(UR: Unreserved, Gen-EWS: General-Economically Weaker Sections, SC: Scheduled Castes, ST: Scheduled Tribes, OBC-A: Other Backward Classes-A, OBC-B: Other Backward Classes-B, PWD: Person with Disabilities)

Subject Combination

Major Subject Minor Subject (Any Two) Multidisciplinary Studies
Political Science Bengali, English, History, Philosophy


Academic Resources

Class Routine

Sl.No. Title Download
1Class routineDownload


Sl.No. Session Title Download

Study Materials

Sl.No. Title Semester Download
1Structural_functionalism, 2nd sem, Major2nd SemesterDownload
2P.A, 6th Sem, Hons6th SemesterDownload
3John Austin, 1st Sem, Major1st SemesterDownload
4Feminism, 4th Sem, General4th SemesterDownload
5Test1ST SEMESTERDownload

Online Classes on Pandemic


Sl.No. Title Download
1 Google Classroom Download
2 Online class record 2021-2022 Download

Newspaper Articles

Sl.No. Title Download
1 Newspaper Articles1 Download
2 Newspaper Articles2 Download

Question Bank

To download all the previous years’ question papers CLICK HERE


Muklesur Momin
Assistant Professor & HOD
M.A., B.Ed, M.Phil, Ph.D(Pursuing)
Vidwan Id-

View Profile

Former Faculty

Sl.No Name of the Teacher Designation & Qualification Period Contact Details View Profile
1 Abhirupa Majumder Assistant Professor, M.A. 13.09.2023 – 09.01.2025 View
2 Pritin Dutta Assistant Professor, M.A. 18.11.2015- 04.10.2023 View
3 Avijit Saha Assistant Professor, Ph.D. 24.11.2015- 05.04.2023 View
4 Aleya Mousumi Sultana Assistant Professor, Ph.D. 28.06.2019- 23.10.2019 View

Departmental Notice

Sl.No. Date Title Download
125 Mar 2019Internal Assessment NoticeDownload
201 Jul 2018Notice for departmental meeting 04-07-2018Download

Events & Activities

Constitution Day 2022

Departmental Picnic

National Voters Day 2018


Mentor Mentee

Sl.No. Date Title Download
122 Aug 2024Mentor Mentee Political ScienceDownload

Photo Gallery

Contact Us

Address Staff Room, Ground Floor, Government General Degree College, Tehatta
Mail ID
Mobile 9434249126