
About Library

“Library is the heart of an institution” – Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan

The presence of a library is inevitable in all the institutions and when it comes to an academic institution, library plays a vital role as an indispensable tool of learning process; starting from the toddler-school life to the higher education-colleges till the research and scholar phase and beyond. The GGDC, Tehatta Library was established to meet the academic and research needs of the students and faculty members as well as the academic support staffs. The library serves as academic repository of the institute for its members in pursuit of excellence in their respective area of interest. Apart from the regular Library activity, the library serves career counseling, organize awareness program on cyber security, orientation program on library services, ask your librarian etc.

Library Rules & Regulations

General Rules

  1. Students must carry their college Identity Card and/or Library Membership Card to enter to the library.
  2. Attendance Register is to be signed daily on entering the library.
  3. Briefcases, bags, umbrella, lunch boxes and other personal belongings must be deposited at the baggage counter before entering the library.
  4. Strict silence, decorum and discipline must be maintained in the library. Any type of personal discussion inside the library is strictly prohibited.
  5. No phone calls should be attended inside the library. Mobile phones are to be switched off or kept in silent mode. Mobile phones can be used to click the required information from the library resources with the permission of the library staff only.
  6. Only notebooks, water bottle, paper and a pencil or a pen may be brought inside the library along with the library books due for return. Students should not bring their personal books in the library.
  7. Students are not allowed to rearrange books in the almirah/cupboard/stacks. They are supposed to deposit the books on librarian’s counter only. Students should strictly follow this rule.
  8. In case of emergency need of the library, the librarian may recall any book at any time.
  9. Anyone who violates the rules and regulations of the library would be liable to lose the privilege of Library Membership.

Membership Rules

  1. All teaching faculties, non-teaching staffs, and students of the college are entitled to become library members.
  2. For membership users need to get registered by submitting an ‘Library Membership Application Form’ available at the library or on the college website (Click Here) at the circulation counter.
  3. Library Membership Cards are not transferable at any circumstances.
  4. A ‘No Dues Certificate’ or ‘Library Clearance Certificate’ by each patrons of the library is to be obtained from the Librarian while his/her leaving /transfer/withdrawal from the institution.
  5. A Non-member can use the library material on the premises with the written permission from the Principal/Officer-in-charge of the college.

Library Working Hours

10.00 A.M. - 01.30 P.M. 01:30 P.M. - 02.15 P.M. 02:15 P.M. - 06.00 P.M.
Monday - Friday OPEN (Charging-discharging, Reading, etc.) RECESS OPEN (Charging-discharging, Reading, etc.)
Saturday OPEN(Charging-discharging, Reading, etc.) OPEN (Maintenance Only)
Sunday & Holidays CLOSED

Circulation & Fine Rules

  1. A student can borrow only three books at a time for a period of two weeks (14 days). Students can renew/reissue their issued books only once for a period of seven (14) days. Issued books must be returned on the due date stamped on the date sheet.
    Types No. of Books Issue/Borrow Renew/Reissue Overdue Fines
    Students 3 14 Days 14 Days Rs. 0.50/Day
    Faculties 10 30 Days 14 Days
    Non-Teaching Staffs 2 14 Days 7 Days
  2. If the book is not returned on the due date, then a fine of Rs. 0.50 (Fifty Paise) per day (Including Saturday, Sunday & holidays) will be charged for 7 days of delay. If the student fails to return the book even after 7 days, he/she will impose a further fine of Rs 1/- per day for the next 7 days and after that his/her library membership will be cancelled and double the cost of the book will be recovered from him/her. All these due fines are to be submitted to the cash section only by filling up a fine payment slip.
  3. Periodicals, reference books, syllabus and question papers are not allowed for home issue.
  4. In case the book is damaged or lost, the student will be required to pay the original cost. In the case of rare books, double of the original cost will be charged.
  5. Student may reserve a particular book, if the same is borrowed by someone else; by filling in the reservation book slip available in the library.


Sri Gouranga Mondal
Librarian (W.B.E.S.)
M.Lib.I.Sc., M.Sc.

View Profile

Academic Resources

Multidisciplinary Course (MDC): Academic Library in Digital Environment

The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 of India aims to transform the educational landscape by promoting a more holistic and integrated approach to education. Library science is increasingly intertwined with technology. NEP 2020 highlights the role of technology in education, which supports the integration of library science with fields like computer science, data science, and information technology.

Class Routine

Academic Year Semester Routine
2024-25 Semester-I Click Here (PDF)
2023-24 Semester-I Click Here (PDF)


Syllabus Session Course Download Link
NEP 2020 2023-24 to till date Academic Library in Digital Environment Academic Library in Digital Environment Multidisciplinary Course (MDC) Click Here (PDF)

Study Materials

Sl. No. Description Download Link
1. Academic Library in Digital Environment (Class Notes, Books, PDFs, PPTs) Click Here (PDF)

Questions & Answer Key

Session 1st Semester 2nd Semester 3rd Semester
2024-25 Question -- -- --
Answer Key -- -- --
2023-24 Question Download Download --
Answer Key Download Download --

Digital Question Bank

To download all other subjects’ previous years’ question papers, CLICK HERE.

Departmental Libraries

In 2022, Tehatta Government College took a significant step towards enhancing its academic infrastructure with the creation of departmental libraries in various disciplines. This initiative came shortly after the establishment of the college's central library, aiming to provide students and faculty with easy access to specialized resources tailored to their academic needs. The creation of these departmental libraries marks a crucial advancement in the academic environment of the college, offering focused, subject-specific collections that are vital for in-depth learning, research, and knowledge development.

The Role and Importance of Departmental Libraries

Departmental libraries are dedicated spaces within educational institutions where subject-specific resources are housed. These libraries are essential for supporting specialized academic programs and providing easy access to core and supplementary texts. At Tehatta Government College, the departmental libraries serve as crucial hubs for learning, research, and academic growth in each respective department.

The college's decision to establish departmental libraries was driven by the understanding that each academic discipline has unique requirements. These libraries house collections that directly cater to the subjects taught, providing students with books, journals, and reference materials necessary for their courses. In this way, departmental libraries facilitate a more focused and effective learning experience, fostering academic excellence.

Departments with Dedicated Libraries

At Tehatta Government College, eight key departments— Bengali, English, History, Political Science, Philosophy, Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics —have established their own departmental libraries. Each of these libraries contains approximately 80-90 books, ensuring that students and faculty have immediate access to essential texts. Let’s explore how each departmental library contributes to the academic life of the college.

  1. Bengali Department Library: Before the establishment of the Bengali seminar and the involvement of a librarian, the library was widely used by students. The space served as a hub for learning and research, with students frequently visiting to access resources, study materials, and reference books. The library played a crucial role in the academic life of the students, providing them with the necessary tools for their education. Currently, they don’t have a departmental library, soon their departmental library will be created.
  2. English Department Library: The English Department is a single-faculty department that is actively engaged in academic activities. Currently, the department does not have its own dedicated library. However, plans are underway to establish a departmental library, which will soon be created to support the academic needs of both students and faculty members.
  3. History Department Library: Focused on Indian and world history, this library holds books on ancient, medieval, and modern history, along with key texts on historiography. It serves as an essential resource for students and researchers interested in historical events, movements, and socio- political developments.
  4. Political Science Department Library: Despite being new to the college, Abhirupa Majumder, Assistant Professor of Political Science, has successfully established a well-organized and well-maintained departmental library. This library is already proving to be a valuable resource and will continue to grow and expand in accordance with the needs of the department. The library in this department is centred on political theory, Indian politics, comparative politics, and governance. It includes important texts, journals, and periodicals that provide insights into the political landscape, offering students comprehensive materials for their studies.
  5. Philosophy Department Library: Philosophy, being a vast and diverse field, requires a specialized library that covers Western and Indian philosophy, ethics, logic, and metaphysics. The departmental library serves as a cornerstone for those delving into philosophical inquiries and critical thinking.
  6. Physics Department Library: With a collection of texts on classical mechanics, quantum physics, thermodynamics, and modern physics, the physics library supports students and researchers in exploring the theoretical and experimental aspects of the subject. It also includes journals and research papers on cutting-edge developments in physics.
  7. Chemistry Department Library: Catering to both undergraduate and postgraduate students, the chemistry library holds key textbooks on organic, inorganic, and physical chemistry. It also includes reference materials on chemical engineering, laboratory techniques, and the latest research findings in the field.
  8. Mathematics Department Library: The mathematics library is an indispensable resource for students studying pure and applied mathematics. With books on algebra, calculus, geometry, and probability theory, it offers students the tools needed to excel in both theoretical and practical aspects of mathematics.

Departmental Library Overview

Department Library Established No. of Books
Bengali --- ---
English --- ---
History July, 2022 91
Political Science July, 2022 50
Philosophy July, 2022 53
Physics July, 2022 30
Chemistry July, 2022 25
Mathematics July, 2022 67

Impact on Academic Life and Student Learning

The establishment of these departmental libraries has had a profound impact on the academic life at Tehatta Government College. Students now have immediate access to a wide array of specialized books and resources that directly support their curriculum. This has greatly enhanced the learning experience by allowing students to engage deeply with subject-specific content, conduct research, and reference authoritative materials.

Moreover, departmental libraries have also facilitated faculty members' research by providing access to key texts and reference books. Teachers can now conduct classes more efficiently, with the library acting as a resource hub where they can suggest readings and further study materials for students.

Fostering a Culture of Research and Innovation

Departmental libraries at Tehatta Government College play a pivotal role in fostering a culture of research and innovation. By offering books and journals related to cutting-edge developments in each field, these libraries encourage both students and faculty to explore new ideas and contribute to academic discourse. Research-driven initiatives can thrive in such an environment, leading to the production of papers, projects, and thesis work that contribute to the academic standing of the institution.

Future Prospects and Enhancements

While the establishment of departmental libraries has already made a significant difference, there is still much room for improvement. Expanding the collections in each departmental library, including digital resources and e-books, would further enhance access to knowledge. Additionally, introducing an integrated library management system across the central and departmental libraries could streamline the process of borrowing, cataloguing, and maintaining the books.

It is also crucial to consider the expansion of the digital collection in the future. In an age of technology-driven education, e-resources such as online journals, databases, and e-books can make information more accessible to students and researchers, even beyond the college campus.


The establishment of departmental libraries at Tehatta Government College in 2022 represents a progressive step towards enriching the academic experience for students and faculty alike. By providing subject-specific resources, these libraries enhance learning, facilitate research, and contribute to the overall academic development of the college. As the collections grow and evolve, these libraries will continue to be an invaluable asset, ensuring that Tehatta Government College remains a centre of academic excellence and knowledge dissemination in the region.


Sl No Description Download
1 Library Membership Form for Students View Pdf
2 Library Membership Form for Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff View Pdf
3 Book Recommendation Form View Pdf
4 Library Clearance Certificate - Students View Pdf

Library Library Services & Activities

Library Hours:

Considering the requirements of the members, its location, and its policies Library visiting hours are set according to the following:

10.00 A.M. - 01.30 P.M. 01:30 P.M. - 02.15 P.M. 02:15 P.M. - 06.00 P.M.
Monday - Friday OPEN (Charging-discharging, Reading, etc.) RECESS OPEN (Charging-discharging, Reading, etc.)
Saturday OPEN(Charging-discharging, Reading, etc.) OPEN (Maintenance Only)
Sunday & Holidays CLOSED

Book Lending Service:

A book lending service in a library is designed to allow patrons to borrow books and other materials for a specified period. Patrons typically need a library card to borrow books. This card can often be obtained by registering with the library and providing identification.

Types No. of Books Issue/Borrow Renew/Reissue Overdue Fines
Students 3 14 Days 14 Days Rs. 0.50/Day
Faculties 10 30 Days 14 Days
Non-Teaching Staffs 2 14 Days 7 Days

Technology Services:

Having desktop computers, printers, and scanners available in a college library greatly enhances the functionality and convenience of the space for students and faculty. Beside these, our Wi-Fi-enabled library provides students and faculty with the ultimate convenience of accessing online resources, databases, and their own digital materials from anywhere within the library. It supports seamless research, collaboration, and study, and often includes additional features like charging stations and secure networks to ensure a smooth and productive experience.

Device Quantity Purpose
Desktop Computer(s) 01 OPAC, Internet surfing, etc.
Printer(s) 01 To print Required documents. (Only after taking permission from the Librarian)
Scanner(s) 01 To print Required documents. (Only after taking permission from the Librarian)
Wi-Fi 01 OPAC, Internet surfing, downloading using personal devices, etc.

Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC):

An OPAC is a digital system that allows library users to search and access the library's collection of books, journals, multimedia materials, and other resources. Users can search in OPAC using basic and advanced search, Boolean operators, or can narrow down the search by using various search filters (Link: Search results provide detailed information about each item, including the title, author, publisher, publication date, call number, and availability status.

Reading Area:

A reading area in a library is designed to provide a comfortable and conducive environment for reading, studying, and reflection. Library has space for individual and/or group studies. Students can issue both reference books and text books for reading inside library.

Library Orientation Program:

A library orientation program is designed to familiarize new students, faculty, and other users with the library’s resources, services, and facilities. It helps users effectively utilize the library’s offerings and integrate library use into their academic or research routines. An awareness or orientation programmes for newly admitted (1st semester students) are organized at the beginning of every academic session to make them familiar with the library rules and regulations, library collection and all other available services.

Central Library Notices

Sl.No. Date Description View/Download
124 Mar 20251st Semester Internal Exam Notice 2024-25Click Here
222 Nov 2024Library Membership Card Collect (1st Semester) 2024-25Click Here
319 Oct 2024Library Membership Card Application (1st Semester) 2024-25Click Here
430 Aug 2024Announcement of the Best Library User Award for the session 2022-23 and 2023-24Click Here
515 Feb 2024Project Late Submission Notice 2023-24Click Here
618 Jan 2024Project Notice 1st Semester 2023-24Click Here
729 Sep 2023Library Membership Card Collect 2023-24Click Here
818 Sep 2023Library Membership Card Application (1st Semester) 2023-24Click Here
915 Sep 2023Best Library User Award Notice 2023-24Click Here
1011 Aug 2023Library Orientation Program 2023-24Click Here
1122 Oct 2022Library Orientation Program 2022-23Click Here
1217 Oct 2022Library Membership Card Collect (All Semester) 2022-23Click Here
1323 Sep 2022Library Membership Card Application (All Semester) 2022-23Click Here

MDC Related University Guidelines

Sl.No. Date Description View/Download
1 29.11.2023 Circular: Credit-wise Marks Distribution (Kalyani University) Click Here
2 21.08.2023 Broader Categories for Multidisciplinary Courses Click Here
3 06.06.2023 Proposed Course Structure-Kalyani University (NEP-2020) Click Here

'Best Library User Award'

To promote maximum and proper utilization of library facilities and services, the Central Library of Government General Degree College, Tehatta gives away “Best Library User” award to the students every year who make maximum use of the library resources and facilities. All the students are therefore suggested to visit the central library and make optimum use of Library facilities and resources. Every year this award is conferred on the student’s orientation programme or any other important occasion.


  1. To increases the footfalls of the students in the library.
  2. To motivate students to browse and read books apart from syllabus.
  3. To inculcate habit of learning through reading.
  4. To introduce library as knowledge and information centre.

Method of Selection:

Awardee is selected on the basis of the following evaluative criteria:

  1. Library Visiting (The library attendance register shows the footfalls and involvement of the students, number of visits to the library, only one visit per day will be taken into consideration).
  2. Number of books taken from the library in the current session (Textbooks along with the General Reading books will be taken into consideration).
  3. Usage of reading section.
  4. Timely return of the books.
  5. Behaviour & interaction with the library staff.
  6. Maintaining the library code of conduct.

Awardee name is selected by the Librarian and Library Sub-committee; and finally approved by the Chairperson and/or Principal/Officer-in-charge.

List of the previous Best Library User Awardees

Academic Year Name of the Awardee View Document
2023-24 Puja Dutta, Department of Philosophy (6th Semester) Click Here
2022-23 Arpita Dutta, Department of History (4th Semester) Click Here

Photo Gallery

Contact us

Address Central Library, Govt. General Degree College, Tehatta
Tehatta, Nadia, West Bengal, PIN-741160
Mobile +91